วันพุธที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Are Debt Collectors Harassing You? How to Make Them Stop!

Are Debt Collectors Harassing You? How to Make Them Stop! [debt credit loan]

If you've been a victim of job loss, medical emergency or other cause of income loss, you may be one of the millions of individuals facing a pile of debts that you cannot cover. Miss one or two payments and you can expect to get a call from a debt collector.

Calls from debt collectors trying to find you at your place of employment can be humiliating. You may already be screening your calls, your chest tightening as you realize it's them - again.

While not every debt collector is unsympathetic and berating they likely do have to steel themselves for many of the sad stories given to them as explanations for past due debts. They are also frequently rewarded for their efforts in collecting the debt with a commission based on the amount obtained. It is easy to see why it is not uncommon for individuals who are already in a desperate state to fear encounters with the more aggressive collectors who are determined to get their fees. [debt credit loan]

"What Are They Allowed to Do?"

Debt collectors are allowed to contact you by in person, by mail, by telegram, by fax and by phone; at home or at work - unless they know your employer would disapprove. They may also not contact you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. unless you have agreed to the contact at that time.

They must contact your attorney unless you don't have one. They may then contact other people to find out your telephone number, work place or address, but in most cases they are not allowed to inform them that you owe money or contact them more than once.

"What If I Don't Want to be Contacted?"

Whether or not you actually owe a debt you can write a letter to the collector telling them to stop contact. They may then contact you only once to inform you that they will make no further contact or to tell you what action may be taken against you.

Stopping contact will not clear the debt. If you do not believe you owe the debt make that clear in your letter.

"What Can I Do If I Am Harassed?"

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has a Fair Debt Collection policy to protect consumers. Knowing your rights will put off even the most determined collector since they already know the law and are pressing you on the assumption that you don't. [debt credit loan]

Debt collectors are NOT allowed to harass, abuse or oppress you or other individuals on your behalf - that includes obscene language, threats of violence or repeated calling in an effort to annoy.

They are not allowed to misrepresent themselves as government agents, attorneys or representing a credit bureau if they are not. They cannot imply they are sending legal documents if they aren't or that you've committed a crime, if you haven't.

They cannot imply legal action, including seizing property or garnishing wages unless they are legally allowed and intend to do so.

You can find out more about your rights from the FTC. If you want to report an agent you can do so by contacting the FTC or your Attorney General. If they are breaking the law you have the right to sue.

Frugal Living In A Not So Frugal World

Frugal Living In A Not So Frugal World [bad credit loan]

Many people have never had a desire or need to live frugally, however modern circumstances are forcing a lot of people to think about tightening their belts and slimming down their budgets.

With gas prices dancing around the $3.00 mark, driving expenses have doubled for many people. With the housing market gone crazy, the “affordable” fixer upper can still be $300,000 or even $500,000 in some areas.

It takes two salaries just to get by for many people. Even professional workers feel the ever-tightening budget constraints being forced upon them.

What is the answer? It is different for everyone but there are basic things you can do to make your paycheck go a little farther each week or month. [bad credit loan]

First you need to know where your money goes. Yes, you know the rent or house payment is a fixed amount. You know that you put $40 a week in the car for gas. You are aware of most of your month recurring bills, but do you ever think about all the little things you spend money on and never even give it a second thought.

It is often the small daily expenses that add up and can really surprise people. How much is that fancy morning or noon coffee you buy? $2.50 or more? Let’s say you buy one $2.50 coffee a day, that is $12.50 a week (5 days) and totals 54.13 a month (4.33 weeks per month).

Do you realize that if you saved that money each week and put it in a coffee can, at the end of one year you would have $649.50.

Did you say your latte is $3.50 a day or your Frappuccino run $4.75? Start doing the math and you can see where you can keep your current lifestyle, cut back and save quite a bit of money. Or start living frugally by giving up some luxuries.

What other “little pleasures” in your life are eating into your pocketbook? Each of us has our own expenditures that could easily be cut back on or even eliminated. We all have some areas in our budget where we can cut back. [bad credit loan]

If a daily Frappuccino represents $1235 a year (do the math), can you see where you just might be able to adjust your spending to gain an upper hand on your finances? Would an extra $1235 a year paid on a credit card or car payment help you out?

As you can see, small sacrifices can add up over the course of a year. What if you did not have the morning roll at break time? Could you cut buying lunch everyday and save even more in a year’s time?

What about some of your “must do” habits such as smoking. Cigarettes are getting more and more expensive. Could you create a campaign to cut back by 1/4 or 1/3 what you currently smoke? Although it would be good, I am not saying to quit smoking, just cut back. Cutting back 1/3 should save you over $1.00 a day. That is $365 dollars a year to add to your growing savings.

So, you too can live frugally and no one may ever know you are doing it. Small changes can create big results.

Automation – Helping Your Business to Run More Efficiently

Automation – Helping Your Business to Run More Efficiently [bad credit loan]

The beauty of being a business owner is that you will eventually come to the point where you can choose to have someone else do a majority of the work for you while you laze around your pool all day (or start another business). For some entrepreneurs, what makes business ownership great is the opportunity to build the business and then hand it over to someone else to manage while continuing to reap the rewards.

One of the factors that separates successful businesses from mediocre or poorly performing businesses is the automation factor. Business owners - especially online business owners - should be looking to automate their work. In fact, they should be building that goal into their business plan and infrastructure from day one!

Automation is the best "next step" between doing everything yourself and getting someone else to manage it for you. Automation is getting the project or task to complete itself, allowing you to do something else. Automation allows you to have some tasks done without your sweat and labor and frees your time to do other important work. [bad credit loan]

So, how do you automate? Here are a few ideas to help you automate your online business:

- Look at the kinds of things you do during the day and try to identify areas that you don't like to work on or areas where you are constantly doing repetitive tasks. Very often, there are already computer programs available that can help you do those tasks such as contact managers, personal information managers and autoresponders.

- Automate your schedule. Rather than rewriting your to-do's each day, use a system like Microsoft Outlook to do a lot of the scheduling work for you.

- If you sell digital products sites use resources like ClickBank and Paypal. These will allow you to sit back and relax while they do repetitive work such as taking payments and downloading products to your customers. ClickBank also has its own affiliate program built-in so others can sell your products. Merchant account sites like PayPal let you accept payment without any work on your part. Compare that to the non-automated way of phoning in every credit card number... it's a great time saver!! [bad credit loan]

- Your "shopping cart" should be automated and linked to your online inventory. When some places an order, they pay and receive the goods and all you have to do is sit back and spend the money. Does your shopping cart manage your inventory for you? If not, find one that does and use it!

Using just a couple of these simple suggestions can save a great amount of time in managing your business. And running your business efficiently means more profit for you.

Take Advantage of all the Opportunities Offered by PLR Products

Take Advantage of all the Opportunities Offered by PLR Products [PLR credit load]

Do you know that some people purchase PLR (Private Label Rights) products and don't take advantage of all of the income opportunities that may be lurking inside those products? It's true. Some PLR products have income opportunities hidden inside their pages and many people fail to realize it.

Don't waste a golden opportunity you may have by not taking full advantage of the PLR products that may be collecting digital dust on your hard drive. If you have obtained PLR rights to an ebook filled with affiliate links, and have not changed the links to reflect your affiliate information, then you are giving away a potential steady stream of additional income.

Many people are aware that it is permissible to use their own name as the author of works derived from PLR products, so they go ahead and list their name as the author of the work. Unfortunately for them, that's all they do. Some people even know that it is best to change the product in some way to make it unique. That's an important part of marketing with PLR products, but it's not enough. If you have private label rights, you may change anything inside that product including affiliate links to other products and services. If your PLR license has limitations on what you may change, then it is not really a PLR license and you should avoid that product. [PLR credit load]

Inside of many PLR products are pages of content containing links to affiliate programs of all kinds. If these links are not changed to reflect your own affiliate information, you will not be able to collect any commission due if the link is clicked and a sale is made. Can you guess who will collect the commission on the sale of any products or services referred? You guessed it! The commission will go to the original creator of the PLR product. This is not to imply that there is something unethical going on here. On the contrary, the creator of the original PLR product was writing about a particular product or service. To include a link to that product or service is an act providing convenience for the reader. Someone will get credit if that link is clicked. It might as well be you, so make sure that if there are affiliate links in the PLR product that you are modifying, you remember to change those links. [PLR credit load]

You simply need to be aware that it is not enough to just slap your name on a PLR product without changing anything else. If you modify the content to make it unique and change the affiliate links to reflect your affiliate information you will get the full value potential of your PLR products.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

The Real Secret to Earth Shattering Power and Influence

The Real Secret to Earth Shattering Power and Influence [bad credit loan]

Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandi, John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Mother Teresa. A few of the names you would no doubt be familiar with because they were movers and shakers. Why is that? How did they get to such a position?

We have all heard the phrase "God helps those that help themselves." Some have taken this to mean that to try things on your own elicits support from invisible powers. Others use it as an excuse to be selfish when called on to lend a hand.

It is good to help yourself, but that is small potatoes to actually sublimating that ability to the service of others. To go further and actually turn that ideal into a mission, well, the invisible powers evoked then are going to be ever more powerful, and the greater the mission, the greater the powers that will not be able to resist coming to your aid, for you will be aiding humankind and the world.[bad credit loan]

That last sentence was a pretty big one describing a pretty big plan, and the bigger the goal, the bigger you become. It's just that simple a concept, although the task you take on may be anything but!

Do you want to be a Martin Luther King or do you want to be a king? Mother Teresa did not necessarily care about helping the extremely poor at first, but she wanted to be like Jesus. He was the role model that moved her to a life lived for others. A king or ruler is also a servant to others.

Greatness is measured by the greatest good to the greatest number of people. Aspire to help others and you may spiral to lofty heights, especially as regards to fame in the political arena if you do not mind the possibility of getting assassinated as did four of the five personalities mentioned in the first sentence of this report. And even Mother Teresa's role model did not escape this risk from rattled suppressives.

So there you have the secret of earth shattering power and influence, with a warning that there is a dark side.

That will not deter you though, because you will be putting others before yourself. You will be wielding great power through your convictions, tempered by your humility. A force for balance, willing to endure the strain of imbalance by focusing on an outcome of making the world a better place, even if not in your short lifetime.[bad credit loan]

That of course is what makes heroism and martyrdom so big. You either risk or give up the thing about you that is perishable, for a thing that can live well beyond scant carnate years. This thing so worth dying for is called Honor. Those who say you cannot take anything with you when you go, know not of it.

Honor can even be born in the middle of disgrace. That happens after history comes around to seeing that you were not only right, but had the courage to stick to a better idea rather than giving in to conformity. You will then have changed the world and influenced generations and generations to come.

Helping Teens Cope With Their Troubles

Helping Teens Cope With Their Troubles [bad credit loan]

Some folks say that the "teenage years are the toughest". For you and them! Growing up is a continual process filled with regular highs and lows. As a parent, it's expected. But what can you do to help through the tough times they might face down the road of life? Here are some quick tips for those parents that are struggling to understand their "troubled teens".


While most teens can be pretty "tight-lipped" about many of their complicated issues they might be trying to handle or hash out on their own, simply taking the time to ask them what's bothering them or what's going on can REALLY help. Even if you don't have the best line of communication with your teen, or it has somehow broken down as they have gotten older, most teens are willing, and ready, to open up to you in most cases. [bad credit loan]

Remember to always LISTEN FIRST to what they have to say. While the topic of discussion may not seem that important in your eyes, teens see everything as a tragedy waiting to happen! To them, what they are going through is almost like the "end of the world" or at least the end of THEIR world. Most teens are self-centered, and so, the entire world as it relates to them, which is pretty much every single aspect of it, revolves around them. At least, in their thought process.

No matter how compelled you might be, DON'T INTERRUPT THEM! Let them get the weight of their concerns or problems off their chest without "butting in" irregardless of how upset you might be at what they are revealing to you. Yes, they are letting you inside their small, strange teen world, so be grateful. It will help to strengthen their trust in you not to EXPLODE on them and further open the line of communication between you both.

After your teen has revealed the crux of their current situation, HOLD YOUR TEMPER, no matter how bad it is. Let them know that despite their actions, you love them without boundary and always will. Try putting yourself into "their shoes" and look at the situation from their vantage point.

Without being too "preachy" explain to them that you too were once a teen and had some rough patches, or made poor choices yourself, but you made it through and so will they. Teens don't like being lectured. They get enough of that in school! [bad credit loan]

Your goal is to be friendly without being their friend. You are still the parent and as the parent, you MUST hand down disciplinary consequences for their actions. Do your best to not blur this thin line. It will just make things more difficult for you both later on.

Also, remember, that the point here is to let them understand that you are ALWAYS available to listen when they are having problems. And through your life experience you are ready with solutions to those problems.

If your teen's particular situation is too much for you to effectively offer a solution or help them, don't be afraid to ask for help elsewhere. There are outstanding organizations out there ready to help. You can find just the right one by searching through the Yellow Pages or doing a topic search online to get in touch with the proper organization.

It's important for the health and well-being of your teen to do everything in your power to help. Also keep in mind that whatever the age, unless your teen is willing to TRY then any outside help you seek will be fruitless.

There are other techniques you can use to "get through" to your teen, but these are some of the most helpful.

After a long, cold winter

After a long, cold winter[bad credit loan], the idea of getting outside on the first warm day of spring and raking the thatch and winter debris off your lawn sounds like a fine cure for cabin fever.

But hold that rake! While a bit of lawn work might be good for what ails you, working on your lawn too early after the snow melts is likely to harm your turf.

Until lawns dry out, raking is likely to tear out grass and leave open patches in your lawn's canopy where weeds will find a home.

Mowing is also inadvisable so early in the spring. It is also not necessary, as grass roots won't start growing until average daily temperatures consistently hit 40° Fahrenheit. The blades or leaves of grass won't show any growth until the average daily temperature is around 50°.

Even walking on your lawn while the ground is still wet from the melted snow can do some damage simply by compacting the soil. [bad credit loan]

Grass roots, like leaves, need to breathe, and one of the good things about the bone-chilling snow-filled winters in many states is that the soil is broken up as moisture trapped in the soil freezes and thaws. This leaves cracks and crevices in the soil which help drain excess moisture, and let your lawn breathe.

By walking on, raking or mowing your lawn too early in the spring, you're compacting the soil, slowing the drainage and preventing the roots of your grass from easily breathing.

If you notice grub damage from last fall, there's not a lot you can do about that in the spring either. Grub control is ineffective unless done in late summer or fall. In spring the grubs have already done the damage to your lawn, and they are fairly resistant to insecticides.

Fertilizing your lawn is best left till late spring, though if you must do it earlier, you can pick a slow-release formula with at least 25% nitrogen in water-insoluble form. But, again, you'll want to wait till your lawn has dried out for best results.

So what's a poor homeowner with cabin fever to do for his lawn on that first day of spring?

The best thing to do for your lawn so early in the season is get your lawnmower tuned and the blades sharpened. [bad credit loan]

Sharp mower blades will ensure you cut the grass rather than shredding it, giving your lawn a nicer appearance, and preventing outbreaks of fungus infection on torn leaves.

And a clean and smoothly running mower will make lawn maintenance more enjoyable for you as well.