วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

The Real Secret to Earth Shattering Power and Influence

The Real Secret to Earth Shattering Power and Influence [bad credit loan]

Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandi, John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Mother Teresa. A few of the names you would no doubt be familiar with because they were movers and shakers. Why is that? How did they get to such a position?

We have all heard the phrase "God helps those that help themselves." Some have taken this to mean that to try things on your own elicits support from invisible powers. Others use it as an excuse to be selfish when called on to lend a hand.

It is good to help yourself, but that is small potatoes to actually sublimating that ability to the service of others. To go further and actually turn that ideal into a mission, well, the invisible powers evoked then are going to be ever more powerful, and the greater the mission, the greater the powers that will not be able to resist coming to your aid, for you will be aiding humankind and the world.[bad credit loan]

That last sentence was a pretty big one describing a pretty big plan, and the bigger the goal, the bigger you become. It's just that simple a concept, although the task you take on may be anything but!

Do you want to be a Martin Luther King or do you want to be a king? Mother Teresa did not necessarily care about helping the extremely poor at first, but she wanted to be like Jesus. He was the role model that moved her to a life lived for others. A king or ruler is also a servant to others.

Greatness is measured by the greatest good to the greatest number of people. Aspire to help others and you may spiral to lofty heights, especially as regards to fame in the political arena if you do not mind the possibility of getting assassinated as did four of the five personalities mentioned in the first sentence of this report. And even Mother Teresa's role model did not escape this risk from rattled suppressives.

So there you have the secret of earth shattering power and influence, with a warning that there is a dark side.

That will not deter you though, because you will be putting others before yourself. You will be wielding great power through your convictions, tempered by your humility. A force for balance, willing to endure the strain of imbalance by focusing on an outcome of making the world a better place, even if not in your short lifetime.[bad credit loan]

That of course is what makes heroism and martyrdom so big. You either risk or give up the thing about you that is perishable, for a thing that can live well beyond scant carnate years. This thing so worth dying for is called Honor. Those who say you cannot take anything with you when you go, know not of it.

Honor can even be born in the middle of disgrace. That happens after history comes around to seeing that you were not only right, but had the courage to stick to a better idea rather than giving in to conformity. You will then have changed the world and influenced generations and generations to come.

Helping Teens Cope With Their Troubles

Helping Teens Cope With Their Troubles [bad credit loan]

Some folks say that the "teenage years are the toughest". For you and them! Growing up is a continual process filled with regular highs and lows. As a parent, it's expected. But what can you do to help through the tough times they might face down the road of life? Here are some quick tips for those parents that are struggling to understand their "troubled teens".


While most teens can be pretty "tight-lipped" about many of their complicated issues they might be trying to handle or hash out on their own, simply taking the time to ask them what's bothering them or what's going on can REALLY help. Even if you don't have the best line of communication with your teen, or it has somehow broken down as they have gotten older, most teens are willing, and ready, to open up to you in most cases. [bad credit loan]

Remember to always LISTEN FIRST to what they have to say. While the topic of discussion may not seem that important in your eyes, teens see everything as a tragedy waiting to happen! To them, what they are going through is almost like the "end of the world" or at least the end of THEIR world. Most teens are self-centered, and so, the entire world as it relates to them, which is pretty much every single aspect of it, revolves around them. At least, in their thought process.

No matter how compelled you might be, DON'T INTERRUPT THEM! Let them get the weight of their concerns or problems off their chest without "butting in" irregardless of how upset you might be at what they are revealing to you. Yes, they are letting you inside their small, strange teen world, so be grateful. It will help to strengthen their trust in you not to EXPLODE on them and further open the line of communication between you both.

After your teen has revealed the crux of their current situation, HOLD YOUR TEMPER, no matter how bad it is. Let them know that despite their actions, you love them without boundary and always will. Try putting yourself into "their shoes" and look at the situation from their vantage point.

Without being too "preachy" explain to them that you too were once a teen and had some rough patches, or made poor choices yourself, but you made it through and so will they. Teens don't like being lectured. They get enough of that in school! [bad credit loan]

Your goal is to be friendly without being their friend. You are still the parent and as the parent, you MUST hand down disciplinary consequences for their actions. Do your best to not blur this thin line. It will just make things more difficult for you both later on.

Also, remember, that the point here is to let them understand that you are ALWAYS available to listen when they are having problems. And through your life experience you are ready with solutions to those problems.

If your teen's particular situation is too much for you to effectively offer a solution or help them, don't be afraid to ask for help elsewhere. There are outstanding organizations out there ready to help. You can find just the right one by searching through the Yellow Pages or doing a topic search online to get in touch with the proper organization.

It's important for the health and well-being of your teen to do everything in your power to help. Also keep in mind that whatever the age, unless your teen is willing to TRY then any outside help you seek will be fruitless.

There are other techniques you can use to "get through" to your teen, but these are some of the most helpful.

After a long, cold winter

After a long, cold winter[bad credit loan], the idea of getting outside on the first warm day of spring and raking the thatch and winter debris off your lawn sounds like a fine cure for cabin fever.

But hold that rake! While a bit of lawn work might be good for what ails you, working on your lawn too early after the snow melts is likely to harm your turf.

Until lawns dry out, raking is likely to tear out grass and leave open patches in your lawn's canopy where weeds will find a home.

Mowing is also inadvisable so early in the spring. It is also not necessary, as grass roots won't start growing until average daily temperatures consistently hit 40° Fahrenheit. The blades or leaves of grass won't show any growth until the average daily temperature is around 50°.

Even walking on your lawn while the ground is still wet from the melted snow can do some damage simply by compacting the soil. [bad credit loan]

Grass roots, like leaves, need to breathe, and one of the good things about the bone-chilling snow-filled winters in many states is that the soil is broken up as moisture trapped in the soil freezes and thaws. This leaves cracks and crevices in the soil which help drain excess moisture, and let your lawn breathe.

By walking on, raking or mowing your lawn too early in the spring, you're compacting the soil, slowing the drainage and preventing the roots of your grass from easily breathing.

If you notice grub damage from last fall, there's not a lot you can do about that in the spring either. Grub control is ineffective unless done in late summer or fall. In spring the grubs have already done the damage to your lawn, and they are fairly resistant to insecticides.

Fertilizing your lawn is best left till late spring, though if you must do it earlier, you can pick a slow-release formula with at least 25% nitrogen in water-insoluble form. But, again, you'll want to wait till your lawn has dried out for best results.

So what's a poor homeowner with cabin fever to do for his lawn on that first day of spring?

The best thing to do for your lawn so early in the season is get your lawnmower tuned and the blades sharpened. [bad credit loan]

Sharp mower blades will ensure you cut the grass rather than shredding it, giving your lawn a nicer appearance, and preventing outbreaks of fungus infection on torn leaves.

And a clean and smoothly running mower will make lawn maintenance more enjoyable for you as well.

วันเสาร์ที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

10 Easy Ways To Make Children Smarter

10 Easy Ways To Make Children Smarter [smarter bad credit]

Scientific research shows that intelligence is both genetic and environmental. Intelligence is also not fixed but can be increased because the brain develops new neurons and interconnections with stimulation.

A supportive environment fosters numerous aspects of intelligence. The following 10 easy ways to stimulate intelligence in children will provide an "enriched environment" for brain growth.

One: Love and Self-Esteem Improve Academic Performance

In a long series of experiments, Prescott Lecky, an American educational researcher, found a high correlation between low self-esteem and learning problems in children. [smarter bad credit]

He correctly theorized that by raising a child's self-esteem, learning performance would also improve.

His success stories include a poor speller who averaged 55% in spelling improved to 91% in six months, a Latin student who went from 30% to 84% after three encouraging conversations with a teacher, and a student considered to have no aptitude for English who improved over a semester to win the school's literary prize.

Two: Breast Fed Babies Are Smarter

Danish researchers found that mother's milk contained essential micronutrients for brain development. In fact, the longer the child was breast fed, the more the brain was nourished. For example, infants breast fed for 9 months were smarter than infants only breast-fed for two months.

Three: Proper Nutrition Improve Health And Nerve Conduction

Diets high in sugar, Trans fatty acids, and salt decreased health in children. Junk food failed to provide sufficient iron for healthy brain development, resulting in poor nerve impulses. Children with nutritional deficiency also missed school more often because of illness and fell behind their peers.

Four: Proper Breakfast Improves Attention At School [smarter bad credit]

Thirty years of research has shown a strong correlation between breakfast and mental alertness. Children who had nutritious breakfasts had better memory. They also concentrated better and absorbed more information during class. Those who had no breakfast or poor breakfast were more irritable and distracted during class.

Five: Exercise Benefits Intelligence And Personality

Research conducted by the University of Illinois showed that fitter children performed better academically. Besides the obvious physiological benefits of improved oxygen intake, blood flow, immune stimulation, and neural transmission, there was also a psychological and sociological component, too. Psychologically, fitter children showed higher self-esteem. Sociologically, those who participated in organized sports displayed more confidence, more cooperation, and spontaneous leadership.

Six: Musical Training Improves IQ Into Adulthood

Long-term research by the University of Toronto showed that organized music lessons benefited children all the way into adulthood. The longer the child studied music, the higher their IQs as adults. Music students also displayed better grades throughout their schooling.

Seven: Some Video Games Enhance Mental Acuity

Research by the University of Rochester found that certain video games improved sensory perception, strategic thinking, and planning ahead of time. The video games that created positive mental improvements had an educational element that improved motor skills and enhanced memory.

Eight: Mind Games Do More Than Entertain

Board games like chess, checkers, creative games like Lego and jigsaw puzzles, and brainteaser games like crosswords, cryptograms, riddles, and Sudoku improved intelligence. Specifically, they stimulated better decision-making, smarter analytical thinking, and more accurate problem solving.

Nine: Reading Improves Both Creativity And Logic

Whether a child was read to at bedtime, or actively read their own books, silently or aloud, they displayed increased left and right brain intellectual growth. Both fiction and non-fiction books improved creative imagination and logical, sequential thinking.

Ten: Nurturing Curiosity Creates An Open, Absorbent Mind

Curiosity, the urge to seek knowledge, is essential to improving intelligence in children. Conducting educational outings, teaching new skills, and supporting hobbies encouraged the development of curiosity.

These 10 ways of raising intelligence in children are easy to apply, practical, and within the reach of parents and teachers. Research has shown that they are highly effective in creating the environmental support children need to develop their intelligence.

Diabetes: Two Steps You Must Take to Avoid Vision Loss

Diabetes: Two Steps You Must Take to Avoid Vision Loss [avoid bad credit]

Back in the 1950's and 60's most people didn't rate diabetes as a major problem. Back then, all the focus was on dealing with more prominent diseases such as polio and tuberculosis. If diabetes was thought about, it was more in the context of cutting out sugar in your coffee, rather than as a serious threat to your eyesight or your life.

That's all changing. It's not too much to say that diabetes is now reaching epidemic levels in most of the western world. According to the American Diabetes Association there are over 20 million diabetics in the United States alone, with a staggering one third undiagnosed. It's also going to get a lot worse with another 41 million Americans already showing pre-diabetic signs. [avoid bad credit]

Diabetes is a disease that mostly affects blood vessels and in it's extreme forms can lead to serious heart disease, stroke and kidney damage. Clearly these life threatening diabetic vascular diseases deserve priority attention, but high on the critical list for diabetics is the risk of serious eye disease and loss of vision.

Vision is one of our most critical senses and in this "need for speed" information era, over 70% of our sensory information comes through our eyes. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, diabetics are 25 times more likely to lose vision than those who are not diabetic. With diabetes already being the number one cause of blindness in the United States, it's no wonder eye care professionals are predicting a devastating increase in vision loss as the diabetic epidemic grows alarmingly. [avoid bad credit]

Newly diagnosed diabetics often have nothing more than minor vision fluctuations which settle when blood sugar levels improve with treatment. Early on it's easy to believe everything is fine. After some years though, continuing high blood sugar can gradually damage the blood vessels at the back of the eye in the retina. This causes a problem called diabetic retinopathy and the longer you have diabetes the more likely you are to have retinopathy. The risk increases further when there is poor control of blood sugar levels. More than 70% of diabetics develop some changes in their eyes within 15 years of diagnosis.

Retinopathy is graded as Non-proliferative or Proliferative. Non-proliferative retinopathy is the common milder form, where small retinal blood vessels break and leak. There may be some mild retinal swelling but it rarely requires treatment unless it causes hazy central vision or straight lines appear bent.

Proliferative retinopathy is the less common, but more serious form where new blood vessels grow abnormally within the retina. If these vessel scar or bleed they can lead to potentially serious vision loss including blindness. Early laser treatment can seal leaking vessels and slow the progress of diabetic retinopathy, but can't reverse existing vision loss.

For now, there is no "magic pill" to eliminate the risk of diabetic eye damage, but you can do two important things to help prevent the more serious complications. Poor blood sugar control is one of the main causes of serious diabetic retinopathy. The critical first step is making sure you stabilize and control your blood sugar with a healthy diet and regular exercise. The second step is to make sure you have a yearly diabetic eye examination. An experienced eye care professional can pick up subtle diabetic eye changes long before you notice any vision change, and more importantly, early enough to do some good.

If you, or your family are affected by this rising tidal wave of diabetes: take action now to reduce your risk of vision loss. Don't be a victim!

Why You Should Have A Passion For Residual Income

Why You Should Have A Passion For Residual Income [income credit poor]

You really truly should have a burning passion to build a lasting residual income. What does income mean to you now? It means having the money to eat, have shelter, pay living expenses. You need a constant income to meet your needs and be comfortable.

Mostly people's income is obtained from the work they do, the hours they put in to a job. That situation poses problems. There is a real danger, which is also a common harsh reality many people have found themselves having to unexpectedly go through. Perhaps you right now are in the condition of being in between jobs.

Many have faced the tribulation of lost income. It is a dire situation that happens through being let go by your employer for any number of reasons or no reason at all. [income credit poor]

Downsizing, cutbacks, firings, weeding outs, whatever. Maybe you did something wrong. Maybe you did not. Maybe you got too close to retirement age. Maybe you got too worn out to keep up with production - getting overworked takes its toll. Maybe you've gotten ill, injured, or otherwise disabled.

In any case, having to work for a living means you are expendable and can be let go at any time. After all, there is an abundance of the unemployed looking for work. There is also an abundance of people who cannot make ends meet having just one job and need to get a second or even a third one.

Having reliable income is a very scarce and volatile thing. Many are struggling just to make it from paycheck to paycheck. But even the biweekly paycheck can be here today and gone tomorrow with little or no compensation available for the loss. What to do then?

What you have to do is not wait for then. Make things happen and grow rather than just maintaining yourself in a dead end job. The economic stability you get from working for others is transient. The reward and stability you get from working for yourself creating residual income can be great and lasting. It will also eliminate any worry about retirement finances. [income credit poor]

Network Marketing your own Independent MLM Home Business can give you the security we just cannot get from regular jobs anymore, let alone the abundance and prosperity we have never been able to get from regular jobs. It allows you to build residual income, override royalty income that will keep coming in even when you quit working.

There are plenty of legitimate MLM Business opportunities for you provided by companies who see Network Marketing as an ideal distribution system for their products and services. Investigate them. Do your due diligence and see if you can find one you can get impassioned about. Then share that passion with others and be set for life.

"Network marketing has proven itself to be a viable and rewarding source of income, and the challenges could be just right for you. There have been some remarkable examples of success, and those successes have been earned through diligence, enthusiasm and the right product combined with timing." -Donald Trump, famous real estate developer, star and co-producer of the hit television show The Apprentice

"I am often asked if network marketing is a pyramid scheme. My reply is that corporations are really pyramid schemes. A corporation has only one person at the top, generally the CEO, and everyone else below. A true network marketing business is the exact opposite of a traditional business model. The network marketing business is designed to bring you to the top not keep you at the bottom. A true network marketing business does not succeed unless it brings people to the top." -Robert Kiyosaki, author of the New York Times and international best-seller listed book Rich Dad Poor Dad

Those two quotes from the "Your Business" volume 2 issue 2 article called, "Why We Recommend Network Marketing" by Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump shows that MLM has really come of age and is worthy of serious consideration. They also provide ammunition to prevent naysayers from dampening your enthusiasm.

So what do you want to do? Stay poor and keep getting poorer working for someone else? Or get RICH in Network Marketing!

วันศุกร์ที่ 21 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What Does Your Handwriting Reveal About You?

What Does Your Handwriting Reveal About You? [bad credit loan]

Did you know it’s possible to learn more about the character and personality of someone just by looking at their handwriting? So if you ever wondered why you and your brother always fought or why you and your significant other seem so “perfect” for each other, a quick look at their handwriting may hold some fascinating insights! Grab a piece of unlined paper and write a few short sentences about today’s weather. Then, follow the steps below to see how your handwriting measures up!

1. First, look at the overall size of your handwriting. Is it large and overwhelming, or small and unobtrusive? The size of your writing reflects your self-esteem and ego. The larger it is, the greater self-confidence and self-worth you have. Smaller handwriting may reveal that you’re not entirely comfortable or confident in yourself and you may feel as if you’re not deserving of attention or affection.

2. Second, look at the spacing between your words. Are there clear, even spaces, or are your words jumbled together? The distance between your words shows how close you like to be to others. If you space your words unusually far apart, it may be an indicator of loneliness. If all of the words flow together in one large heap – you may need to ease off and give those around you some space – literally! [bad credit loan]

3. Look at the strength and pressure of what you’ve written. Are the strokes of your letters dark and bold, or light and airy? Heavy, thick lines may denote aggression or frustration. Light, wispy pressure may indicate sadness or overall displeasure with life. An even, flowing pressure shows overall contentedness and flexibility to adjust to just about anything life throws at you.

4. Notice how you dot your i’s and cross your t’s. Adding embellishments such as circles and hearts indicate your desire to be different and stand out. You’ll often see this style find its way into the handwriting of teenage girls, but eventually fade out as they grow more comfortable of their own individuality. Continuing to write i’s with flourishes and designs after the teenage years have passed can indicate childishness or a lack of maturity. The thickness and length of the cross of your t’s reveals your self-image. Crossing the t high on the bar indicates that you have a lofty opinion of yourself. Crossing them low indicates that you may have a poor self-image, and crossing them in the middle shows that you’re fairly contented with the way you are.

5. Notice how you write your g’s, j’s and y’s as these are indicators of social skills. Do you loop them with a large flourish? This shows that you’re comfortable around people and perhaps a bit of a social butterfly. Straight, angular marks (without loops) reveal that you may not be at ease with the opposite sex, or may have recently gone through a breakup or a painful relationship.

6. Look at the spacing between your sentences. Even spacing shows that you’re organized (well, more than most people!) and that you manage your time well. If your words seem to get tangled up into the line above or below, it reveals that your ideas or goals have a tendency to fall through due to a lack of planning or outright confusion. [bad credit loan]

7. Find out how well you communicate with others by looking at the loops and closings of your a’s and o’s. If your writing is wide open, you have a tendency to be open and expressive as well. If your writing is narrow and closed, you’d rather keep to yourself and aren’t very comfortable in a crowd. A large loop inside of the a or around the top of the o may reveal a shady character who tends to hide the truth. Be careful!

There are a lot of other nuances and details to analyzing your handwriting, but these are just a few that give insight into your character. There are also sites online where you can view handwriting samples from everyone from modern superstars to military leaders and notorious criminals. One of the best is http://www.myhandwriting.com/celebs/ . Study the handwriting of those around you and compare it to your own and see what it reveals about you. You may just find out that you’ve been made of the “write stuff” all along!

How to Boost Your Traffic and Profits with Content!

How to Boost Your Traffic and Profits with Content! [traffic profit credit]

Are you aware of how vitally important and valuable CONTENT is to your online business? In fact, content can do more to build your business and profits than just about any other resource or service available.

Following is a list of 5 key ways that content can help build your traffic, subscribers, and customers starting today!...

1. Boost your search engine ranking and daily visitor count by posting keyword rich articles and content on your web-site. For example, if your business involves offering products and services related to fitness, posting fitness related articles and content will attract unlimited prospective customers on a regular basis! [traffic profit credit]

2. Generate double or even triple the number of newsletter subscribers you do currently, simply by offering content in the form of "special reports" or manuals as bonuses for subscribing to your publication. People love freebies, so give them what they want and watch as your results increase!

3. Create an automated cashflow by using content to formulate multi-part email training courses with related web-site or affiliate links "sprinkled" throughout each course. Use an autoresponder service to automate the delivery of your training course (such as a 5 part training course delivered over a 5 day period).

Training courses can also serve as excellent bonus offers for your prospective newsletter subscribers.

4. One of the most important keys to a successful online business is not JUST having a list of mailing list or newsletter subscribers... It's about building a trusting relationship with your subscribers (ie, "cultivating" your list)...

By sending informative articles (content) to your list on a regular basis you will establish yourself as an expert on your topic of business, as well as gain the trust of your subscribers over time. As a result, your subscribers will be EAGER to take advantage of your "paid" product and service offers. (Just make sure that you NEVER take advantage of the relationship you develop with your list by offering products or services of poor quality just to make a quick buck!) [traffic profit credit]

If there is one "constant" in Internet marketing, it's this: A cultivated list of subscribers is as good as money in the bank. Write that down and never forget it!

5. Another excellent way to generate no cost traffic is by submitting ready-made articles to "content hungry" web-site and newsletter publishers with your "resource box" attached. A resource box is nothing more than a little 3-6 line "bio" about you and/or your web-site - including a link to your site (or even instructions on how to subscribe to your newsletter)...

When submitting or offering your article(s) for reprint purposes, just make sure to specify that each article is to be reprinted "as is" with your resource box attached.

...Even one article can go a LONG way towards generating no cost traffic and visitors for you. Just imagine your article being sent out to a newsletter subscriber base of 100,000 individuals - many of whom will be reading YOUR included resource box and clicking on your URL to learn more about what you have to offer!

Well there you have it, 5 sure ways to build your online business exponentially with the help of articles and content...

With the declining effectiveness of many of the online advertising methods that we've relied on in past years, content is only strengthening its position as the ultimate KEY to generating unlimited traffic, subscribers, and customers!

GPS Child Tracking Barriers Falling

GPS Child Tracking Barriers Falling [gps child poor]

GPS technology has been available for some time. The array of satellites originally designed for government and security use now provide consumers with a great deal of desired information. Demand for GPS products has exploded, as drivers rely on GPS-based systems for travel directions, and sportsmen and adventurers use GPS technology for their safety.

Tracking the whereabouts of children is an intuitive use for GPS, but until recently, there were not many products available in the marketplace.

GPS systems were not shelved due to fears of inadequate consumer demand. Partents are very attracted to the idea of GPS tracking and have already started purchasing GPS child tracking systems in earnest. Demand for these products was correctly assumed to be very high from the beginning. Concerns reguarding potential liability and public relations issues associated with product failure, however, did slow the development of child tracking GPS technologies. Recently, however, a spate of new GPS products designed to help track children demonstrate that these worries are disappearing. [gps child poor]

Manufacturers have been considering child tracking GPS systems for some time. However, there were significant liability concerns that stood in the way of widespread release. If a product were designed and advertised as a mechanism to provide a greater degree of child safety, any system failure could have disastrous consequences. It is not hard to imagine a parent pursuing civil legal action against a manufacturer in the event a GPS system failed to provide accurate information in the case of a missing child, for instance. A consideration of the potential damages in a case of this sort, and the expenses inherent in defending against it, served as a strong disincentive for those contemplating the sale of GPS child tracking systems.

Regardless of the outcome of any court activity, manufacturers were also keenly aware that any product failure could represent a serious public relations problem. Missing child cases, for instance, are often highly publicized. Should a child who was using malfunctioning GPS tracking technology "disappear", providers realized they would receive a surplus of very negative publicity, as the media would undoubtedly point out the product failure again and again. If one considers a high-profile child abduction case and the attendant media coverage, they can begin to understand the possible negative ramifications to a GPS tracking system producer.

Today, however, GPS tracking systems are being made available to the public. The introduction of these child safety tools are a direct outgrowth of product imporvement and increased reliablity. Child tracking system providers are comfortable that their products will function effectively and "as advertised". The high level of reliance found in current GPS child tracking offerings has overcome two of the formerly experienced barriers to product introduction. [gps child poor]

It may be too soon to aruge that child tracking via GPS is "foolproof" or one hundred percent reliable. However, the influx of new products clearly illustrates that producers are convinced their products will perform correctly. Considering the potential downside of a poor performing GPS tracking device or system, manufacturers would not release these new products without a solid belief in their functionality.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Poor Credit Secured Loans Can Incredibly Remove Your Financial Worries

Poor Credit Secured Loans Can Incredibly Remove Your Financial Worries [Loan poor credit]
By Kenneth Robert

There are many situations in life when we really feel helpless as major financial requirements emerge in front of us without any prior notice. Luckily, some people get convenient way to deal with such problems, as they possess fine credit history but what about those people who are restricted to avail any financial benefit due to the poor credit history. If truth be told, it is quite true that the bankers and financial institutions do not consider poor credit holders as a reliable candidate but as present finance industry has become lenient as never before, people with poor credit can also get the finest financial help. If you are a loan seeker with poor credit, then it is for sure that your loan will not get approval with any normal loan scheme. However, this can be made possible with the help of poor credit secured loans, as these loans do not consider the credit history of the borrower. [Loan poor credit]

For people, who cannot manage to get any other loan due to their poor credit history, poor credit secured loans are the proven way to solve financial problems. Such loan providers understand it very well that even good people can also have bad credits therefore, they offer exclusive and hassle free loans for such good people. Usually, high street lenders do not offer these loans as they bear high risk therefore, if you are looking for poor credit loans with any renowned lenders then always do a thorough study of their terms and conditions. Since very few high street lenders offer poor credit secured loans, it is quite possible that these lenders charge exceptionally high interest rates. In fact, interest rate with these lenders can be just double of any other normal loan scheme therefore, to get a reasonable deal collection and comparison of market interest rates is essential.

With these loans, poor credits are

no more considered as the end financial opportunities as with these loans everyone can manage to get desired loan at ease. Applying for this loan is very easy as all you need to do for getting this loan is to fill necessary details along with security detail and cost evaluation. Once you fill all necessary details, you can be rest assured that you will get the most reasonable loan deal. However, only a reliable and authorized lender can assure you for the fair deal thus, it is must to select the dependable lender only after a thorough market research.

These lenders provide the borrower with the desired loan without caring for his or her troubled credit history; in fact, they do not demand anything except a high valued asset to present as security. It is quite true that providing poor credit secured loans is a risky deal for the lenders therefore, to make it slightly secure, these lenders keep your high valued asset as collateral. No matter whether you have credit history with defaults, amount overdue or CCJ’s, now you can also get rid of every financial problem with these loans.[Loan poor credit]

Article Directory: http://www.articlecube.com

Kenneth Robert is an expert financial advisor therefore he can tell you how to look better, live better and breathe better by giving you tips to improve your finances. To know more about Secured loans UK , Poor credit secured loans and secured home loans visit www.applyforsecuredloans.co.uk

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to poor that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our poor credit mortgage website.

Poor Credit Secured Loans Can Incredibly Remove Your Financial Worries

Poor Credit Secured Loans Can Incredibly Remove Your Financial Worries [rich poor credit]
By Kenneth Robert

There are many situations in life when we really feel helpless as major financial requirements emerge in front of us without any prior notice. Luckily, some people get convenient way to deal with such problems, as they possess fine credit history but what about those people who are restricted to avail any financial benefit due to the poor credit history. If truth be told, it is quite true that the bankers and financial institutions do not consider poor credit holders as a reliable candidate but as present finance industry has become lenient as never before, people with poor credit can also get the finest financial help. If you are a loan seeker with poor credit, then it is for sure that your loan will not get approval with any normal loan scheme. However, this can be made possible with the help of poor credit secured loans, as these loans do not consider the credit history of the borrower.

For people, who cannot manage to get any other loan due to their poor credit history, poor credit secured loans are the proven way to solve financial problems. Such loan providers understand it very well that even good people can also have bad credits therefore, they offer exclusive and hassle free loans for such good people. Usually, high street lenders do not offer these loans as they bear high risk therefore, if you are looking for poor credit loans with any renowned lenders then always do a thorough study of their terms and conditions. Since very few high street lenders offer poor credit secured loans, it is quite possible that these lenders charge exceptionally high interest rates. In fact, interest rate with these lenders can be just double of any other normal loan scheme therefore, to get a reasonable deal collection and comparison of market interest rates is essential.
[rich poor credit]

With these loans, poor credits are

no more considered as the end financial opportunities as with these loans everyone can manage to get desired loan at ease. Applying for this loan is very easy as all you need to do for getting this loan is to fill necessary details along with security detail and cost evaluation. Once you fill all necessary details, you can be rest assured that you will get the most reasonable loan deal. However, only a reliable and authorized lender can assure you for the fair deal thus, it is must to select the dependable lender only after a thorough market research.

These lenders provide the borrower with the desired loan without caring for his or her troubled credit history; in fact, they do not demand anything except a high valued asset to present as security. It is quite true that providing poor credit secured loans is a risky deal for the lenders therefore, to make it slightly secure, these lenders keep your high valued asset as collateral. No matter whether you have credit history with defaults, amount overdue or CCJ’s, now you can also get rid of every financial problem with these loans.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecube.com

Kenneth Robert is an expert financial advisor therefore he can tell you how to look better, live better and breathe better by giving you tips to improve your finances. To know more about Secured loans UK , Poor credit secured loans and secured home loans visit www.applyforsecuredloans.co.uk

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to poor that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.[rich poor credit]

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our rich dad poor dad website.

Poor Credit Secured Loans Can Incredibly Remove Your Financial Worries

Poor Credit Secured Loans Can Incredibly Remove Your Financial Worries [poor credit loan]
By Kenneth Robert

There are many situations in life when we really feel helpless as major financial requirements emerge in front of us without any prior notice. Luckily, some people get convenient way to deal with such problems, as they possess fine credit history but what about those people who are restricted to avail any financial benefit due to the poor credit history. If truth be told, it is quite true that the bankers and financial institutions do not consider poor credit holders as a reliable candidate but as present finance industry has become lenient as never before, people with poor credit can also get the finest financial help. If you are a loan seeker with poor credit, then it is for sure that your loan will not get approval with any normal loan scheme. However, this can be made possible with the help of poor credit secured loans, as these loans do not consider the credit history of the borrower.

For people, who cannot manage to get any other loan due to their poor credit history, poor credit secured loans are the proven way to solve financial problems. Such loan providers understand it very well that even good people can also have bad credits therefore, they offer exclusive and hassle free loans for such good people. Usually, high street lenders do not offer these loans as they bear high risk therefore, if you are looking for poor credit loans with any renowned lenders then always do a thorough study of their terms and conditions. Since very few high street lenders offer poor credit secured loans, it is quite possible that these lenders charge exceptionally high interest rates. In fact, interest rate with these lenders can be just double of any other normal loan scheme therefore, to get a reasonable deal collection and comparison of market interest rates is essential.
[poor credit loan]

With these loans, poor credits are

no more considered as the end financial opportunities as with these loans everyone can manage to get desired loan at ease. Applying for this loan is very easy as all you need to do for getting this loan is to fill necessary details along with security detail and cost evaluation. Once you fill all necessary details, you can be rest assured that you will get the most reasonable loan deal. However, only a reliable and authorized lender can assure you for the fair deal thus, it is must to select the dependable lender only after a thorough market research.

These lenders provide the borrower with the desired loan without caring for his or her troubled credit history; in fact, they do not demand anything except a high valued asset to present as security. It is quite true that providing poor credit secured loans is a risky deal for the lenders therefore, to make it slightly secure, these lenders keep your high valued asset as collateral. No matter whether you have credit history with defaults, amount overdue or CCJ’s, now you can also get rid of every financial problem with these loans.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecube.com

Kenneth Robert is an expert financial advisor therefore he can tell you how to look better, live better and breathe better by giving you tips to improve your finances. To know more about Secured loans UK , Poor credit secured loans and secured home loans visit www.applyforsecuredloans.co.uk

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to poor that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.[poor credit loan]

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our poor website.

วันพุธที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Internal Parasites of the Dog

Internal Parasites of the Dog [rich money poor]

Internal parasites (Endoparasite)can strike any dog, whether the dog appears to be clean and/or if it is from a seemingly 'well-to-do home'.

Roundworms (Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina)are rather like pale earthworms and can reach approximately 10cm in length. They are pointed at both ends. Signs of presence in a dog are: mild vomiting, pot-bellied, dull coat, either sudden weight gain or weight loss. A puppy might cough or hiccup. A presence of worms will be seen wrapped around the stools passed.

The Life Cycle of the Toxocara canis starts with the bitch eating contaminated feces. The larvae migrate to various parts of the body- mammary glands, uterus, and remain in the intestine. Puppies feed off the bitch and the larvae enter their system, growing into an adult within two weeks. The adult worms lay eggs which hatch into larvae and burrow through the gut wall to the liver and lungs, causing respiratory problems. Some lay dormant while others are coughed up and swallowed thus travelling down into the intestine where they grow into adult worms and lay thousands of eggs. These eggs are passed out of the dog where they lay waiting for a passer-by to eat the feces enabling the cycle to start over. [rich money poor]

The Life Cycle of the Toxascaris leonina starts with the eggs being ingested, and hatching in the stomach. They do not migrate, but develop in the wall of the intestine, therefore infection to a bitch's puppies does not occur.

It is therefore advisable that pregnant bitches should be wormed under the vet's supervision, puppies should be routinely wormed after the age of two weeks. Adult dogs should be wormed every six months, every three months is wise if there are young children in the household.

Tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum) are flat, segmented and can be up to 50cm long. They are not normally seen as a complete worm, but the individual segments loaded with ripe eggs. Signs of presence in a dog, is that the abdomen may become distorted, but the most common sign is the presence of rice-like grains around the anus. These worms can also be seen moving in the dog's feces. They can cause diarrhea and poor growth development in puppies.

The Life Cycle of Dipylidium caninum starts when a dog swallows a flea, which has itself swallowed an embryonated worm. The larvae develop into adult worms in the small intestine. Specific worming remedies for this type of worm are obtained from a vet. Also ensure that the dog is regularly checked for fleas. [rich money poor]

Ticks (Ixodes species) are brownish-white and can be initially mistaken for a wart, but on closer inspection the legs can be seen, while the head is buried in the epidermis. Having gorged on the dog's blood it grows to the size of a bean or pea. Signs of presence may only be when a dog has an allergic reaction to them and due to scratching, red sore areas appear. Normally a dog will tolerate one or two ticks without showing any signs of irritation and they will only be noticed during grooming.

nternal parasites (Endoparasite) can strike any dog, whether the dog appears to be clean and/or if it is from a seemingly 'well-to-do home'.

Roundworms (Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina) are rather like pale earthworms and can reach approximately 10cm in length. They are pointed at both ends. Signs of presence in a dog are: mild vomiting, pot-bellied, dull coat, either sudden weight gain or weight loss. A puppy might cough or hiccup. A presence of worms will be seen wrapped around the stools passed.

The Life Cycle of the Toxocara canis starts with the bitch eating contaminated feces. The larvae migrate to various parts of the body- mammary glands, uterus, and remain in the intestine. Puppies feed off the bitch and the larvae enter their system, growing into an adult within two weeks. The adult worms lay eggs which hatch into larvae and burrow through the gut wall to the liver and lungs, causing respiratory problems. Some lay dormant while others are coughed up and swallowed thus traveling down into the intestine where they grow into adult worms and lay thousands of eggs. These eggs are passed out of the dog where they lay waiting for a passer-by to eat the feces enabling the cycle to start over.

The Life Cycle of the Toxascaris leonina starts with the eggs being ingested, and hatching in the stomach. They do not migrate, but develop in the wall of the intestine, therefore infection to a bitch's puppies does not occur.

It is therefore advisable that pregnant bitches should be wormed under the vet's supervision; puppies should be routinely wormed after the age of two weeks. Adult dogs should be wormed every six months, every three months is wise if there are young children in the household.

Tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum) are flat, segmented and can be up to 50cm long. They are not normally seen as a complete worm, but the individual segments loaded with ripe eggs. Signs of presence in a dog, is that the abdomen may become distorted, but the most common sign is the presence of rice-like grains around the anus. These worms can also be seen moving in the dog's feces. They can cause diarrhea and poor growth development in puppies.

The Life Cycle of Dipylidium caninum starts when a dog swallows a flea, which has itself, swallowed an embryonated worm. The larvae develop into adult worms in the small intestine. Specific worming remedies for this type of worm are obtained from a vet. Also ensure that the dog is regularly checked for fleas.

Ticks (Ixodes species) are brownish-white and can be initially mistaken for a wart, but on closer inspection the legs can be seen, while the head is buried in the epidermis. Having gorged on the dog's blood it grows to the size of a bean or pea. Signs of presence may only be when a dog has an allergic reaction to them and due to scratching, red sore areas appear. Normally a dog will tolerate one or two ticks without showing any signs of irritation and they will only be noticed during grooming.

The Life Cycle of Ixodes species starts with adult ticks laying eggs that drop on the ground. Larvae hatch and climb on to blades of grass, shrubs, etc., where they wait for a passer by to brush past, thus enabling them to attach themselves on to the hair of the dog. Surgical spirit soaked onto the tick suffocates it, thus loosening its grip. It can then be removed with tweezers. Never attempt to pull the tick off without soaking it first, as the head will remain and cause infection. Treat the area with insecticide. A special dip/shampoo can be obtained from the vet if infestation is severe.

Choosing Tropical Fish for Your Aquarium

Choosing Tropical Fish for Your Aquarium [credit fish rich]

Bolivian Rams, Jaguars and Zebras make you think of farms and jungles, but these are a few of the names of over 4000 species of tropical coldwater fish that come from all over the world. For those interested in keeping fish, tropical freshwater fish are the best choice. They are not so expensive as saltwater tropical fish and there is much more variety than ordinary goldfish. There are large and small, timid and dangerous, pretty and plain, racers and hiders. Some eat others, so must be kept separate, or put with species they don’t eat.

When choosing your fish make sure you get them from a reputable store so that the risk of disease is reduced. You can tell if a store is reputable by looking around for a quarantine tank. Fish must come a long way to the fish nursery and should be kept in quarantine for a few weeks to make sure they are disease free. Otherwise all the healthy fish in the main tanks can be quickly contaminated. Some of the toughest fish are platys and barbs. [credit fish rich]

To tell if a fish is diseased, look for these symptoms.

· Fungal infection and erosion around the mouth.
· Bulging, opaque eyes.
· Spots, ulcers or hemorrhaging.
· Mucous or slime around the body.
· Belly bloated.
· Gills flared.
· Worms or mucous around the gills.
· Wool-like tufts on the body.

Stress is likely to cause fish to become diseased. Fish can be stressed by loud noise, tapping on the tank or too much handling. Water quality is another factor. The water must be kept clean and so must the filters. If the filter is not cleaned regularly, it will simply pour dirty water back into the tank.

There are some special needs that coldwater tropical fish have that must be met if they are to remain happy, healthy fish. First, make sure there are not too many fish for the size aquarium you purchase. Fish equal fish waste equals poor water quality. [credit fish rich]

Fish and plant waste creates a build-up of ammonia in the water, so it is important to not only have the biggest aquarium you can afford, but to change 20 percent of the water on a regular basis. You do this by using a hose to siphon off the water. A certain strain of bacteria called Nirosomonas is also used to eat up the ammonia and convert it to Nitrite. Another strain of bacteria called Nitrobacter then converts this Nitrite into the friendlier compound nitrate. Even so, this must not be allowed to build up or the water will become toxic. These bacteria take time to colonize in the tank so don’t be in too much of a hurry to introduce the fish. Chlorine must also be removed from the water as fish can’t survive in that, so several weeks must elapse before the water becomes conditioned. There are plenty of ‘tap water conditioners’ on the market for chlorine removal.

Once you have your aquarium, you’ll want to add plants, gravel and decoration, heater, thermostat, (temp. should be about 24 degrees) and filter. All must be thoroughly washed in fresh running water first, especially the gravel. You’ll need 5 to 10 cm of gravel at least half of which needs to be really fine so the plants can take root in it easily. Add the water only halfway before putting in the plants. If you want large rocks, make sure they can’t topple over. Don’t add the water right to the top in case you need to put your hands in to fix something. Don’t have hand cream of any sort on your hands while doing all this.

Ad Tracking for Success

Ad Tracking for Success [credit poor rich]

In order to create the most effective ad for your business, you will need to test different versions of your copy and track the effectiveness of where you advertise. Experiment by changing the copy, tweaking the looks, rearranging the layout and testing where you place your ad.

Changing The Copy

Try several different headings for your ad. Just a one word change may have a significant effect on the response rate. Test different versions of your copy to find the most effective wording.

Tweaking The Looks

Change the font style, font sizes, and font colors. Emphasize important words and phrases by placing them in italics, making them bold, changing their color, and highlighting them. Add a border, a different border color and/ or a different border style. Try different combinations of these and find out which combination works best. [credit poor rich]

Rearranging The Layout

Rearrange the components of your ad to see if it affects the response rate. Add a short testimonial or two to see if that has any effect. Try adding more than one call to action link.

Testing The Placement

Track and test the response rate for your ad. An ad in one
e-zine may result in 100 clicks while an ad in another may only result in 50. You will want to know where you get the best response for your advertising dollars.

You will want to track your ads for these four reasons:

1. To save money.

If you know where you get the best response from, you won't waste money by advertising on places where you get a poor return.

2. To maximize your profit.

While advertising on one place may bring you a better response than advertising on another, you need to take into account the cost of each ad. If you get 200 responses from one advertising source but each response costs you $4.00, it may be better to advertise on a place where you get 100 responses that only cost $1.00 each. [credit poor rich]

3. To improve your ads.

By testing different versions of your ad, you will find the most effective one. To obtain a true test of a particular ad, you will need to know how may people were shown your ad, how many people acted on your ad, and the result of that action. (For example, your ad was shown to 1000 people of which 100 clicked on your ad link and 2 bought your product.)

4. To find out what works and what doesn't.

You will want to know what components of your ad work and which don't. You can only find this out by tracking different versions of your ad.

While knowing how many people click on your ad and how many sales you make is important, you will want to know how much each click and sale actually costs you. In order to maximize your Return On Investment (ROI) you should monitor the following:

1. How many unique visitors each ad or promotion generates.

2. The number of sales each ad or promotion generates.

3. Which ad or promotion generates the most traffic to your website.

4. The Cost Per Click and Cost Per Sale of each ad or promotion.

5. The Click to Sales Ratio which will show you the quality of the traffic you're getting.

6. The ROI for each ad or promotion.

You will also want to track where your traffic is coming from. You may get traffic from an e-zine ad, from a forum post and from a banner ad. One of these sources may bring you a significant amount of traffic while another brings you little or no traffic at all. By tracking every ad and promotion you place, you will find out where to direct your advertising efforts, thereby saving you both time and money.

Only about 1% of your competitors track their traffic sources. By tracking your ads, you will gain an advantage over 99% of your competitors. At the same time, you will boost your bottom line as you will no longer be wasting money on useless advertising.

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Rescue - What to Do When Kids Bring Home a Baby Bird

Rescue - What to Do When Kids Bring Home a Baby Bird [bad credit poor]

Have your children ever brought you a baby bird that they found helpless on the ground? Bringing it into your home and feeding it seems like the right thing to do, but it may actually cause more harm than good.

Find out how to handle the situation and take this opportunity to educate your children about nature. You will not only teach them about the natural world, but more importantly you'll instill in them a respect for that world.

"What Should We Do If We Find a Baby Bird?"

Many wild baby birds are able to leave the nest before they can fly or find their own food. It is a normal part of their life and are best left undisturbed. [bad credit poor]

If you or your children find a young bird on the ground, rest assured the parents are likely near by. They are watching over it and bringing it food.

The main danger for a baby bird that has fallen out of the tree is from cats and squirrels. If you want to help you might find a bush or tree nearby and help the bird find a comfortable footing on the branches, out of the reach of children. If you cannot locate the original nest any bush will do. The parents will locate the baby by its cries.

Despite the common belief that a parent bird will not return to a baby after human contact, birds in general have a poor sense of smell. Your presence will deter the parents, but your smell should not.

Handle the baby carefully but firmly so it does not fall out of your hands when struggling. If the bird is very young and without many feathers you should try to put it back in the nest. If the nest is destroyed you can create one by lining a plastic basket with the remnants of the original nest or with dry grass and leaves. Make sure the nest has holes in the bottom to prevent it from filling up with water. Secure the nest with wire if you do not find a suitable branch.

"What If It's Injured?"

If the baby bird is injured and in danger you can collect it carefully and keep it warm with a towel. Do not feed it as baby birds can easily get liquid in their lungs without using a proper feeding technique. [bad credit poor]

In the US it is actually illegal for you to care for a wild bird, and without proper training you wouldn't be able to anyway. Contact a wildlife rehabilitator who will take over care of the bird. Keep it warm and in a quiet area until they arrive.

Explain to your children what to do in the future when they find a baby bird. Let them be 'guardians' and watch to see the parents care for the baby while they look out for lurking cats or squirrels to chase away. They will appreciate knowing that even baby birds have parents that take care of them.

Dynamic Web Sites Necessary to Stay Competitive

Dynamic Web Sites Necessary to Stay Competitive [web poor credit]

It was not that long ago that becoming a web page authoring wizard required little more than an understanding of a few dozen Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) tags, and perhaps modest experience with a scanner and a graphics program to generate a corporate logo image file.

The stakes are much higher now. The hobby phase is over. The Internet is a big business. Competition for visitor “hits” is enormous, as it becomes more and more difficult to get your site noticed, much less bookmarked. Sensing that the authoring world wanted more out of HTML then a poor imitation of the printed page, the web browser makers and Internet standards bodies have been expending the capabilities of web pages at a feverish pace. These changes are allowing us to make our pages more “dynamic” – pages that can “think and do” on their own, without much help from the server once they have been loaded in the browser. [web poor credit]

In websites, the most important thing that a user, editor or author looks for is the robustness and the maintainability of the site. In static approach for web page authoring, you simply write a different page for all the content in your site and connect these pages with hyperlinks or most probably by using a navigation bar in the main page. It seems like a simple and manageable idea. However, when it comes to add new content or change the general layout of the site, it is almost impossible for you to go through each and every page and edit the code. In the dynamic approach, you use a database as the foundation of your web site. What you put in this database totally depends on what you need to have for your pages; usernames and associated passwords, articles that you are going to use as your content, pictures, files, basically anything that you can think of. This database can be thought as your storage for the elements to build this site. However, it is not you who is building the pages, it is the PHP, ASP, PERL code that you have written or purchased. The only thing that is left for you is to draw a “plan” for the data driven code so that it knows where to put the building elements that are stored in your database. This plan is called the template for the site which is generally created using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and Dynamic HTML (DHTML). Once the site is loaded into the browser, dynamic pages in a way “interacts” with the user and generates the HTML pages rather than taking the user from page to page with the help of the hyperlinks. [web poor credit]

As one can see very easily, Dynamic Websites seem like the future of the Internet. It saves a lot of time and effort for the authors and also the user from frustration of waiting for the pages to load while visiting a simple site with an interesting article with a lot of pages.

The Trick To Financial Success

The Trick To Financial Success [success credit loan]

If you focus on one thing long enough, you'll get it. This is the entire "trick" to financial success.

And to pull it off, you have to start with a definite desire, a goal of how much money you'd like to earn. First, think of the amount you want, and then write it down. Second, read this financial goal daily until it becomes a burning desire.

The root meaning of the word desire is "of the father." It is your Father's pleasure to give you the keys to the kingdom, but you do have to ask for it.

You can even consider the word "ask" as an acronym. When you A.S.K., you ASK so that it will be given to you, you SEEK so that you will find, and you KNOCK so that the door will be opened.

The purpose of your life is to express yourself constructively, not destructively.

You will express yourself constructively by setting up clear financial goals for your life.

And you will express yourself destructively by default, by drifting. When you drift the law of entropy will put you into a position of scarcity, and it is out of desperation that you may do destructive things.

Setting up a financial goal is to make a choice. Out of the infinite possibilities, you are choosing what you want. [success credit loan]

Deepak Chopra, who came to America as a poor medical doctor from India and who now makes 20 million dollars a year, made the sage comment that you would not have a desire if you did not have the means to fulfill it.

Of course, at first blush it does not look this way at all. Your desires do seem out of reach and you have no idea how to fulfill them.

However, when you do create a financial goal, your mind then becomes active in finding ways to fulfill it, and through a process of trial and error, you eventually find out what you need to do to move closer to fulfilling your desire.

Emma Curtis Hopkins, a great writer at the turn of the 18th century, once advised, "Sit down at a certain time every day and write down on paper what your ideas of good are. You will find that such a practice will pin your mind down to the truth, and you will demonstrate results."

If your financial goals are not clear in your mind, you will simply drift along, moving into the future without any decision or definite purpose. Only clear and definite financial desires have a chance of showing up for you. Without them, you will simply become subject to the dominating personalities around you.

A vague desire to get rich is not enough to be prosperous. You have to have a definite figure in mind. Of course, you can always expand on this figure once you reach it, but you do have to start with a solid number. [success credit loan]

The ways and the means for you will then become increasingly clear.

Figure out "how much" first before you work on "how." This is how your journey to wealth will begin.

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

3 Ways to get Bad Credit & 3 Steps to get it Corrected

3 Ways to get Bad Credit & 3 Steps to get it Corrected [bad credit develop]

Many times the most well meaning people seem to develop bad credit. Those who had perfect credit in the past seem to go through periods in their lives where debt piles up and paying bills on time becomes more and more difficult.

Why does bad credit seem to occur so often to good people with good intentions? Here are three circumstances in life that regularly turn good financial situations into bad ones:

1. Many people never really learn how to manage their money and build good credit. It might be because their parents themselves did not know enough to teach them, or that they just never were interested enough to pay attention and learn how money worked.

2. When people start to make decent money for the first time in their lives, they start to become confident in their abilities to be independent. This ability to make money will always be with them. They start to feel like they can treat themselves to more and more of the finer things in life. To them, the money will continue to come in forever. They start to spend more and accumulate greater debt. [bad credit develop]

3. It's a fact that bad things happen regularly in life. Whether it's job layoffs, serious illnesses in the family, divorce, or any number of unfortunate occurrences, these setbacks do occur in life. When they do pop up, either money quits coming in, or more money starts going out.

Since spending habits and lifestyles have already been established, it is very difficult to overcome the financial difficulties. The inability to pay off debt leads to bad credit. Credit scores start to spiral down, and lifestyles are changed dramatically.

Fortunately, there are some ways to improve credit scores and get financial situations back in order. Here is a three-step process that can quickly get back good credit standing and allow anyone to start enjoying a comfortable, secure lifestyle again:

1. Get $500 from somewhere. Sell something or earn it somehow. Go to your bank and buy a $500 certificate of deposit with that money. A couple of days later go back to the bank and ask for a $500 loan, using the certificate of deposit as collateral. This "secured" loan will be granted because the bank knows it will get its money back. Your cd guarantees that.

Pay off the loan, making regular payments on time. The payments will be made using the money from the loan. It will cost a small amount of interest, but that will be well worth the expense for the improvement in credit.

2. Once that loan is paid off, go back to the same bank and now ask for a $500 "unsecured" loan. With this loan, no collateral will be asked for. You are now in good standing with the bank because of the previous loan, so this loan should also be approved. If not, go through the process of the secured loan again. If the unsecured loan is granted, pay off the loan on time using the loan money as before.

3. Once the unsecured loan is paid off, you now can apply for an unsecured credit card, either through your bank or through another company. The terms of the credit card should be very favorable, and it should have a fairly high limit attached to it. The main thing is to keep this credit card paid off and clean. From there, your credit score will show a vast improvement over where it was just a few months earlier. [bad credit develop]

There are many ways to get into debt and develop bad credit. Unplanned financial problems and unfortunate occurrences happen to everyone. Fortunately, for good people, there are always ways to get back to a happy, financially secure lifestyle.

by Billy Bristol

Why You Need a Copy of Your Credit Report!

Why You Need a Copy of Your Credit Report! [credit repost affect]

Your credit report is an important document which may affect you more than you think. It is perfectly possible to see a copy of your credit report. But why would you want to read your credit report, and how do you find it?

In the US there are 3 agencies which keep information on you and your credit. This information includes a whole range of details on many of the financial transactions that you make through your life. You may not be aware of it but much of your financial data is kept by credit agencies, and can seriously affect your life.

Opening a bank account, considering letting a bill slide a little until it's overdue, going for a loan, buying a house? Any one of these transactions and many many more are all recorded on your credit report. Information is kept on where you live, how you manage most of your finances, much of your criminal history if you have one, your history of loan repayments and much more.

And this information is not just kept there for the sake of it. This information is used to assess your credit worthiness so that when you go for a new loan, for example, the organization through which you are applying can access this information to help it decide whether or not it ought to grant you the loan.

You are in fact, rated for your credit worthiness using this information collected on you, and a credit worthiness score is applied to you. This score is part of the information that an organization may wish to find out if they are judging your credit worthiness.

Something as simple as missing a few bills because you were on holidays can quite seriously affect such things as your ability to obtain credit in the future. [credit repost affect]

So as you can see the information kept in your credit report is important information and can affect your life in ways you may not be aware of.

For this reason it is important to know what information is kept on your credit report. It is not unheard of, for example, for there to be inaccurate entries on your report and if you are unaware of this and therefore cannot correct it this inaccurate information may well cause you all sorts of unexpected problems.

So, how do you get a copy of your credit report? Luckily you are entitled by law to get a free copy of your report each year. You will need to provide your name and address as well as your social security number and date of birth to identify yourself, as well as possible former addresses if you have moved recently.

To get your credit report ring 1-877-322-8228 (toll free) and proceed as directed.

So remember, you are entitled to a copy of your credit report free each year. Make use of your entitlement, check your report and see if there is anything there which could be causing you a problem. If there is then you can start finding out what to do about it. [credit repost affect]

by Peter Crump

About Payday Loans

About Payday Loans [pay loan credit]

You can’t go far these days without seeing a Payday Loan offer. Some come in the form of an actual store (often times found in strip malls or in the parking lot of regular malls) while other offers are presented exclusively on the Internet. But what exactly is a payday loan?

A payday loan is normally a very small loan (under $1,000). Unlike regular loans, payday loans rarely require a credit check. The terms on payday loans are much shorter than other loans and the borrower is usually required to pay back the loan in full within anywhere from two weeks to two months. Payday loans are marketed as a way to get fast cash to hold the borrower over until their next paycheck.

When a borrower applies for a payday loan they are required to present the lender with either a post-dated check or permission to debit their bank account on an agreed upon future date. The finance charge is almost always very high and often comes in the form of a fixed dollar amount as opposed to an interest rate percentage that is found with a standard loan. Many payday loan companies are not licensed or regulated by consumer laws and will charge the borrower the maximum amount that they think they can get. Payday loans are generally very costly for borrowers and should be avoided if possible. [pay loan credit]

If you do find yourself in an emergency situation where you need to use the services of a payday loan company, then it is absolutely imperative that you repay your payday loan as soon as possible. If you’re unable to repay your loan at the end of the agreed upon term, you’ll be charged hefty fees in addition to the initial finance charge. Payday loans are much more expensive than other borrowing options. The average APR (annual percentage rate) on a payday loan is somewhere around 400%, however, it’s often as high as 5000%! If you have a credit card with available credit, you are almost always better off taking a cash advance from your card, as opposed to getting a payday loan. Even the highest credit card APR out there isn’t nearly as high as most payday loan rates. [pay loan credit]

Now that you’re aware of the potential pitfalls of payday loans, you can decide whether or not it is the type of loan product that fits your needs. Payday loans can be beneficial if you’re in need of fast cash in a pinch; however, be prepared to pay the price!

by Ryan Even