วันเสาร์ที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Why You Should Have A Passion For Residual Income

Why You Should Have A Passion For Residual Income [income credit poor]

You really truly should have a burning passion to build a lasting residual income. What does income mean to you now? It means having the money to eat, have shelter, pay living expenses. You need a constant income to meet your needs and be comfortable.

Mostly people's income is obtained from the work they do, the hours they put in to a job. That situation poses problems. There is a real danger, which is also a common harsh reality many people have found themselves having to unexpectedly go through. Perhaps you right now are in the condition of being in between jobs.

Many have faced the tribulation of lost income. It is a dire situation that happens through being let go by your employer for any number of reasons or no reason at all. [income credit poor]

Downsizing, cutbacks, firings, weeding outs, whatever. Maybe you did something wrong. Maybe you did not. Maybe you got too close to retirement age. Maybe you got too worn out to keep up with production - getting overworked takes its toll. Maybe you've gotten ill, injured, or otherwise disabled.

In any case, having to work for a living means you are expendable and can be let go at any time. After all, there is an abundance of the unemployed looking for work. There is also an abundance of people who cannot make ends meet having just one job and need to get a second or even a third one.

Having reliable income is a very scarce and volatile thing. Many are struggling just to make it from paycheck to paycheck. But even the biweekly paycheck can be here today and gone tomorrow with little or no compensation available for the loss. What to do then?

What you have to do is not wait for then. Make things happen and grow rather than just maintaining yourself in a dead end job. The economic stability you get from working for others is transient. The reward and stability you get from working for yourself creating residual income can be great and lasting. It will also eliminate any worry about retirement finances. [income credit poor]

Network Marketing your own Independent MLM Home Business can give you the security we just cannot get from regular jobs anymore, let alone the abundance and prosperity we have never been able to get from regular jobs. It allows you to build residual income, override royalty income that will keep coming in even when you quit working.

There are plenty of legitimate MLM Business opportunities for you provided by companies who see Network Marketing as an ideal distribution system for their products and services. Investigate them. Do your due diligence and see if you can find one you can get impassioned about. Then share that passion with others and be set for life.

"Network marketing has proven itself to be a viable and rewarding source of income, and the challenges could be just right for you. There have been some remarkable examples of success, and those successes have been earned through diligence, enthusiasm and the right product combined with timing." -Donald Trump, famous real estate developer, star and co-producer of the hit television show The Apprentice

"I am often asked if network marketing is a pyramid scheme. My reply is that corporations are really pyramid schemes. A corporation has only one person at the top, generally the CEO, and everyone else below. A true network marketing business is the exact opposite of a traditional business model. The network marketing business is designed to bring you to the top not keep you at the bottom. A true network marketing business does not succeed unless it brings people to the top." -Robert Kiyosaki, author of the New York Times and international best-seller listed book Rich Dad Poor Dad

Those two quotes from the "Your Business" volume 2 issue 2 article called, "Why We Recommend Network Marketing" by Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump shows that MLM has really come of age and is worthy of serious consideration. They also provide ammunition to prevent naysayers from dampening your enthusiasm.

So what do you want to do? Stay poor and keep getting poorer working for someone else? Or get RICH in Network Marketing!
