วันศุกร์ที่ 21 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What Does Your Handwriting Reveal About You?

What Does Your Handwriting Reveal About You? [bad credit loan]

Did you know it’s possible to learn more about the character and personality of someone just by looking at their handwriting? So if you ever wondered why you and your brother always fought or why you and your significant other seem so “perfect” for each other, a quick look at their handwriting may hold some fascinating insights! Grab a piece of unlined paper and write a few short sentences about today’s weather. Then, follow the steps below to see how your handwriting measures up!

1. First, look at the overall size of your handwriting. Is it large and overwhelming, or small and unobtrusive? The size of your writing reflects your self-esteem and ego. The larger it is, the greater self-confidence and self-worth you have. Smaller handwriting may reveal that you’re not entirely comfortable or confident in yourself and you may feel as if you’re not deserving of attention or affection.

2. Second, look at the spacing between your words. Are there clear, even spaces, or are your words jumbled together? The distance between your words shows how close you like to be to others. If you space your words unusually far apart, it may be an indicator of loneliness. If all of the words flow together in one large heap – you may need to ease off and give those around you some space – literally! [bad credit loan]

3. Look at the strength and pressure of what you’ve written. Are the strokes of your letters dark and bold, or light and airy? Heavy, thick lines may denote aggression or frustration. Light, wispy pressure may indicate sadness or overall displeasure with life. An even, flowing pressure shows overall contentedness and flexibility to adjust to just about anything life throws at you.

4. Notice how you dot your i’s and cross your t’s. Adding embellishments such as circles and hearts indicate your desire to be different and stand out. You’ll often see this style find its way into the handwriting of teenage girls, but eventually fade out as they grow more comfortable of their own individuality. Continuing to write i’s with flourishes and designs after the teenage years have passed can indicate childishness or a lack of maturity. The thickness and length of the cross of your t’s reveals your self-image. Crossing the t high on the bar indicates that you have a lofty opinion of yourself. Crossing them low indicates that you may have a poor self-image, and crossing them in the middle shows that you’re fairly contented with the way you are.

5. Notice how you write your g’s, j’s and y’s as these are indicators of social skills. Do you loop them with a large flourish? This shows that you’re comfortable around people and perhaps a bit of a social butterfly. Straight, angular marks (without loops) reveal that you may not be at ease with the opposite sex, or may have recently gone through a breakup or a painful relationship.

6. Look at the spacing between your sentences. Even spacing shows that you’re organized (well, more than most people!) and that you manage your time well. If your words seem to get tangled up into the line above or below, it reveals that your ideas or goals have a tendency to fall through due to a lack of planning or outright confusion. [bad credit loan]

7. Find out how well you communicate with others by looking at the loops and closings of your a’s and o’s. If your writing is wide open, you have a tendency to be open and expressive as well. If your writing is narrow and closed, you’d rather keep to yourself and aren’t very comfortable in a crowd. A large loop inside of the a or around the top of the o may reveal a shady character who tends to hide the truth. Be careful!

There are a lot of other nuances and details to analyzing your handwriting, but these are just a few that give insight into your character. There are also sites online where you can view handwriting samples from everyone from modern superstars to military leaders and notorious criminals. One of the best is http://www.myhandwriting.com/celebs/ . Study the handwriting of those around you and compare it to your own and see what it reveals about you. You may just find out that you’ve been made of the “write stuff” all along!
